"Product administered to patient of inappropriate age"
This shouldn't be a thing, in my opinion.
I have reported on this previously in one of my presentations to the FDA at a VRBPAC meeting on October 26, 2021. I reported to the members and judging panel that there were 5510 children aged 0-18 who had filed reports to VAERS for having been injected with the COVID-19 products inappropriately.
In the following slide is shown an example of an 11-year old who had been injected inappropriately and died an unreported amount of time thereafter.
I revisited this MedDRA code today and wanted to report that this number has more than doubled (N = 11,314) since last October and occuring at increasingly younger ages. I stratified the reports filed for “Product administered to patient of inappropriate age” by age group and plotted the results in a bar plot as shown below. Of the 11,015 adverse events reports for which age data exists, 85% occur the 12-18 age group.
Almost 10,000 12-18 year olds were inappropriately injected. Meaning, that at the time when the EUA was valid for a specific age group, those children were under the minimum age requirement.
And don’t get me started on the babies. No wait, They deserve to be acknowledged.
There are 137 4-year olds who were injected who shouldn’t have been. To date, none have died. According to the FDA and the CDC, no child under 4 is meant to have been injected to date. The following table was screenshot from the CDC website and is up-to-date as of April 6, 2022.
96% (N = 180) of the reports for 0-4-year olds got Pfizer shots. 3.3% of the reports for 0-4-year olds got Moderna shots. 0.6% of the reports for 0-4-year-olds got Janssen shots.
9% (N = 1,358) of the reports for 5-11-year olds got Moderna shots. 1% of the reports for 5-11-year-olds got Janssen shots.
To be clear, no one between 5-11-years old was meant to be injected with Moderna or Janssen products.
73% (N = 9,364) of the reports for 12-17-year olds got Moderna shots. 12% of the reports for 12-17-year-olds got Janssen shots.
Again, to be clear, no one between 12-17-years old was meant to be injected with Moderna or Janssen products. 73% were. 2 HAVE DIED. This is Criminal Negligence.
To constitute a crime, there must be an actus reus (guilty act) accompanied by the mens rea (guilty mind). Negligence shows the least level of culpability, intention being the most serious, and recklessness being of intermediate seriousness, overlapping with gross negligence. The distinction between recklessness and criminal negligence lies in the presence or absence of foresight as to the prohibited consequences. Recklessness is usually described as a "malfeasance" where the defendant knowingly exposes another to the risk of injury. The fault lies in being willing to run the risk.1
Yet another reason not to let them inject you with anything. Their democide knows no bounds, not even small children. I don’t see how this could be anything but intentional when it happens with this frequency. The vials are clearly marked, and there is a 12-step protocol the “injectioner” is supposed to follow before deciding whether to use a particular vial for a C19 shot.
Thanks again Jessica for digging up another element of this criminal conspiracy.
If anyone wishes to dive into the Nuremberg Doctors Trial Transcripts, I found this link: https://archive.org/details/DoctorsTrialTranscripts/887_roll_01/mode/2up
I think we will -- or should -- be seeing transcripts like the above for everything that has transpired since the first twinkle of Covid in Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Frances Collins, Big Government, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media, and everyone else's eyes. I believe this is mass murder; others can decide the motives.
People must be arrested, tried, convicted if found guilty, and punished if convicted.
I wouldn't mind seeing the ultimate punishment be something like this: PCR test up their wazoo, treat with remdesivir and low-dose steroids, give at least four doses of Covid injections and two of Paxlovid, ventilate, rinse, and repeat.
Is this too horrible to say?