This was brought to my attention by our wonderful @jengleruk, @galileoisback, elgatomalo (I just noticed kitty’s wicked article now) and was also archived and can be found on Arkmedic's feed on Telegram.
Thank good golly for the Wayback Machine. Check out these sequential screenshots from July 22, 2022 and July 23, 2022 (the very next day when the cat came back), from the CDC website on the subject of mRNA and spike protein duration in the human body.

And the very next day. This is the current state of the CDC website when you head to the section on Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines.
Do you understand yet?

It is vital to understand why they changed this information. It’s because the literature and the data support the updated version and have for quite some time now. A major problem is, it took the CDC 4 months from the time of publication of a seminal and well-known article in Cell entitled “Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination” to amend their information and in these 4 months, these injections were EUA-approved for children as young as 6 months with absolutely zero point zero zero long term safety data. They were also administered to countless individuals who may now have been injured as a result. No compensation for them.
In addition, a pre-print publication uploaded in June 2021 (that’s more than a year ago) entitled “Persistence of SARS CoV-2 S1 Protein in CD16+ Monocytes in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) Up to 15 Months Post-Infection” demonstrated that the spike protein is not cleared quickly and was found up to 15 months post injection in monocytes.
Please go here for downloads of all 4 publications to date.
What this implies is that the most important organization, the Centers for Disease Control, an American organization whose very name indicates a responsibility to ‘control disease’, have implicated themselves is fraud by omission, in my opinion, and the opinion of many lawyers. Not having shared data, literature or scientific facts at the time when they were published, with the public, is clearly not in the interest of the public and does nothing but alienate and confuse the public.
We are being treated like invalid children. And we are not. Demand to know the facts. The REAL science. Not the scientisms squawked repeatedly from bureaucrats with no background in the field that they are squawking about. Learn the reality of who is behind the decisions being dictated, impostering as ‘law’, that have literally affected every single human being on Earth.
So to be fair, yes, websites can definitely be updated as data and information is updated. However, when the information on said websites are the basis of global mandates with the goal to inject non-effective and not proven-safe experimental gene therapy products into an entire species, Houston, I think we have a serious problem. You can’t just keep dictating in a democratic nation: it doesn’t work that way. YOU work for US.
‘Leaders’ with intention to dictate mandates, any mandates, without recognizing the right of personal choice in the people to whom they serve, are DICTATORS.
Man, you know what? If they love dictatorships so much, why don’t THEY go live in another country under a dictatorship! Enjoy!
The paper on integration is coming. I am sure of it. This will debunk their unsubstantiated claim that the ingredients and/or effects of these experimental gene therapy products do not affect or interact with our DNA.
“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
Luckily someone saved at Wayback too much is lost. Get a toolbar button and save as you surf the web plus 404 Not Found Errors redirect to Wayback copy IF somebody saved it!
See something save something