CDC/FDA assessments confirm emergent black-box-worthy safety signals
ICAN PRR data on VAERS - Proportional Reporting Ratios (PRR) are off the scales
First off, thank you to Aaron Siri and Elizabeth Brehm and ICAN for all of their diligence in fighting to get this data to all of us.
Just as a reminder, a PRR>2 means there’s a safety signal. I have written articles on the PRR and related issues here, here, here, here and here, to list a few. Josh Geutzkow wrote this up too and you can read about that here and here.
According to CDC's VAERS Standard Operating Procedures, a “safety signal” is defined as a condition that has a PRR>=2.00, N>=3, and Chi-Square>=4.00.
I decided to focus on the serious 12-17 year old data in the Table5 PRR of PTs for COVID19 mRNA Compared to 2009_2022 NON-COVID19_05.27.2022 from the Weekly PRR Tables 3-5 May 27 2022 file, because I was most interested to see the what signals associated with myocarditis in kids they found. Let’s just say, I am not surprised by what I saw, but very angry that - not only was this was hidden - but I and others have been reporting these exact findings for years now, and been ignored by public health officials.
To this day, I have not received an answer from the CDC as to why they have not done and made transparent causality assessments using VAERS data.
Here’s some of the now viewable signals, that yes, were there all along. This is truly criminal.
As you can see, those PRR numbers for myocarditis and myocarditis-associated symptoms are much higher than 2. These aren’t just safety signals: these products need warning labels and black box ones at that.
Here’s Figure 1 from our paper on Myocarditis from 2021 that got force-withdrawn and republished 3 years later.
And here’s where I calculated PRR for death in my 2021 paper. 2021.
I am so disgusted by this. All this heart damage was preventable.
THM: This is VAERS data (from December 2020- May 2022) and PRR analysis - U.S. government data and analytic means. No interpretation. Why was this not published years ago? How many young hearts have been destroyed since then?
Why are these products so clearly associated with harms still on the market? Deductive reasoning indicates psychopathy where:
1. high margin profits from vaccine sales, therapies for vaccine injuries and new applications of mRNA platform
2. 80% of deaths are in the +60 years of age demographic so it greatly reduces health care costs and pension liability
3. DOD continues to believe mRNA has great potential as a bio weapon platform
4. avoiding criminal and civil liability for mass murder
EXCELLENT QUESTIONS Jessica…. WHEN will they answer … Dr Rose must be Furious -I sure as hell would be . She spotted this-and they retracted her correct findings. That sure as heck is corporate/governmental criminality- AND BEGS THE QUESTION-What will happen to the young who by good fortune survived BUT have scared hearts ?ps hello from NZ Doctors