Ah Rochie - if only your lies bounced as effortlessly as your hair does...
No comment on the little man... and Omicron is still an attenuated live viral vaccine
Start at 2:47:00 to hear the best of the best moronic tripe. It’s only a couple of minutes. You’ll survive. I did. It’s about Rochie and Fauci.
HEY. VAERS is a volunteer system. Passive. It is NOT mandatory.
Oh Rochelle, me thinks ye be tellin’ fibs ‘bout doctors being ‘encouraged’ to file VAERS reports!
I honestly have almost no words. They both deflect simple direct questions about VAERS and BOTH start talking about getting hit by a car. For some reason.
Presumably they are trying to make the argument that if you get hit by a car right after getting injected it gets reported to VAERS? Really. Even IF that’s what they were trying to get it. I do not think so. There are 112 reports of ‘Road traffic accidents’ in the combined VAERS Domestic and Foreign data sets but I would assume based on what I know is the truth that these accidents are due to people suffering cardiac events while driving and then crashing their vehicles. 61% of these ‘Road traffic accidents’ were reported within 24 hours of injection.
I guess they DID walk out of the injection clinic and get hit by a car! But shouldn’t you two be counting these as COVID-19 deaths?
Fidgity Fauci finds his microphone faulty. The extraordinary virus strikes again! It is wily no less! You mean, like the cartoon character Wile E. Coyote ? I thought this ‘pandemic’ was serious! Why is Fauci using Wile E.’s name to describe this coronavirus? Perhaps because it is a genius as well? No doubt there.
So the guy asking questions starts simple: a VAERS question about the number of deaths. He remarks that it’s been reported by virologists and scientists that the VAERS data system contains thousands of death reports. Is this true? Pretty simple question, yes? I can answer now, without thinking or making a reference to getting hit by a car. Yes. It does contain thousands of death reports in the context of the COVID-19 injectable products.
What say you of VAERS, Rochelle? Thousands (actually it’s tens of thousands and there is an over 6000% increase over the past 30 year average) dead in VAERS in context of COVID-19 injectable products… Is this true?
Rochelle through her multiple masks: Let’s not answer the question and talk about getting hit by a car!
A number? Any idea? Nope. Er. Uh. Referral.
Records of deaths?
Fauci: No absolute number. (Muted microphone.) No number. But let’s talk about getting hit by that car again! ‘Everything that happens after the vax is considered a death?’ What the hell is he even trying to say?
Rochelle: And every one of those is adjudicated.
WHAT? ADJUDICATED? Unless they also changed the definition of adjudicated to ignored, then I think you have the wrong word lady.
5 days after being ‘omicron asymptomatic’, you are allowed to go out! But no traveling, no gyms, no travel, no traveling, no living, no eating.
Yeah, just put your multiple masks on and go home. It’s safer. And for Christ’s sake, don’t talk to anyone or express any kind of love or be human.
I have 2 other articles in the works but I had to get this out of my being.
I know 6 people seriously harmed by the vaccines and not one knew of VAERS, let alone had doctors who would acknowledge their injuries were caused by the vaccines...this despite the fact that one lady has to wear adult diapers now because her uterus is perpetually falling out of her body...and my girlfriend’s aunt who can no longer walk following vaccination due to chronic, crippling joint inflammation. EVERYTHING points to massive underreporting. Those who do the bidding of big Pharma while feigning scientific rigor have a special place in hell.
Maybe if Rochelle quadruples the masks she will be unrecognizable to the sketch artist when her Nuremburg trial begins?