36 million dollars set aside for vaccine injuries for the next 2 years in Canada
Gee, I wonder why? Let's do some math...
Hi all you lovelies. If at all possible, if you can switch to becoming a paid subscriber, every subscription counts. The campaign to ban and silence people telling the truth is very strong.
I really love you all, regardless.
I am trying to convince SS to allow an alternative payment method, such as Bitcoin. It’s in ‘beta’ testing mode, but has been for a long time. I won’t hold my breath, for now.
Please refer to this document but be aware they have a copyright warning for reposting ‘any part of the document’. Don’t want to mess with the “King in Right of Canada”? Who in the love of God are they referring to there?
The Canadian Independent wrote this up here and Byram Bridle wrote it up here.
In addition to the vaccine injuries allocation of Canadian taxpayer dollars, the first thing I noticed is in the ‘Housing Accelerator Agreements’ section on page 46, Table 1.1. This is important since the downfall of the Canadian economy is interlinked with all things COVID - including the shots and the injuries imposed. Some people are now disabled and cannot work, afford their home or groceries.
I am not sure why these particular numbers caught my eye, but look at the difference in allocation between Ottawa, ON and Victoria, BC. If you break these numbers down by home, each home gets ~5,407.98$ in Ottawa, but only $2,060.77 in Victoria. I guess the building materials in Ottawa are more expensive, eh?
You’ll also notice that ‘the Province of Quebec’ gets $900 million bucks with no house number allocated. According to this budget, technically, that $900 million could go to say… one home? Here’s a chart I made using their public data to show the discrepancies between how much is allocated per province. Quebec sure gets a lot. Poor Manitoba and Yukon.
They have set aside 7.3 million over 6 years to fight both antisemitism and islamophobia. They want to reduce hate, of course. Creating societal tension, promoting drug use (including narcotics) and poverty is an excellent way to do that, although, you already know that, right? Also, allowing pro-terrorist rallies in major city centers is an excellent way to alleviate hate.
And last but not least, the 36 million (19 and 17, 2024-2025 and 2025-2026, respectively) for injuries as part of the Vaccine Injury Support Program from vaccines for 2024-2026. There was no money allocated prior to 2024, and none allocated after 2026. By the way, since the population of Canada is 39,042,602, this is less than $1 per person, per year, technically, even though it sounds like a lot.
You might also be interested in knowing that the Canadian government is blaming the soaring cost of groceries in Canada on “Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine”. See page 139. They also blame COVID and they write antagonistically about “Canadian grocery companies” “making record profits”. They don’t, however, blame themselves or their massive failure during the COVID era to actually protect Canadians by say: not locking them up, not freezing their bank accounts, not arresting them, not shutting down their small businesses and not terrorizing countless numbers into injection submission, injury in some cases, and depression. For YEARS.
Everyone knows why they can’t afford to buy groceries now. Everyone knows why they can’t afford rent anymore. Your budget is abysmal, and reflects your willingness to maintain the destruction of a once powerful and economically stable nation, where every citizen loved each other in strength and prosperity.
I love my country of Canada. I won’t stop telling the truth about where it needs to go.
It’s simple.
Do what the citizenry demand. The people are YOUR bosses.
Same here in the UK Jessica!!! Our so called leaders are only leading us one way - over a cliff to destroy our way of life!!!!! Thank you for all you do! Keep fighting and informing and educating us dimwits about the genetic bioweapons!!
Hey Dr Jessica Rose 🌹. we are here for you like you are here for us , I’m sure I speck for all that we love you too
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication bringing us the truth and along the way teaching us which is so important so we can pass it on to others we definitely love you 💕💕🌹